Is your school or organization looking for a speaker? Could your team benefit from a workshop on recognizing learning differences or teaching students with dyslexia? We can work with you to craft a presentation or workshop that speaks to the needs and questions of your team.

Some of our past presentations include:

  • Executive Function
  • Differentiating Instruction
  • Neuro-diversity in the Classroom
  • Time Management Strategies
  • Relieving Test Anxiety for Students

If you have questions about our school programs and pricing, please contact us at

Other Resources

Check our blog page to find articles, videos, infographics and more informative resources on various topics. 

An Introduction To Executive Function: What Is It And How Can We Improve It? (article)

A Day in the Life of a Student with Dyscalculia (video)

5 Brain Breaks to Try (infographic)