By Vanessa Fontana-Berul M.Ed.
Most of us have experienced a time when we have an essay or writing assignment that is due that is looming over us like a storm cloud, we try to put it out of our minds but no matter how hard we try it remains! Imagine what a young person might feel if they have a writing assignment due, it is a daunting task to say the least. Over the years, as a teacher of 3rd to 5th graders and many, many years back as an undergraduate English major I have gathered some tools for my writing toolbox, let me share them with you now to help your youngster be better able to manage writer’s block!
Brainstorming is the first recommendation because the actual start of getting the creative ideas to flow may be keeping your 4th or 5th grader stuck. They may feel a sense of drudgery when asked to write and that can be very difficult to overcome. A suggestion is to purchase a whiteboard and some fun-colored whiteboard markers, then draw a circle in the middle with the assigned subject, or the one chosen by the student, then from that circle, start to free associate images and thoughts about that idea, write them down quickly with line emanating from the circle. For example, let’s use the word, science as an idea example, what comes to mind immediately for me are the words: logic, reason, testing, society and future, these random associations can hold the seed of an idea that can be developed into an essay. The main thing to remember is that this a pre-writing practice, and that part of it is to think freely and leave judgement behind. Brainstorming can be done as a team, with one person writing the ideas and the other free-associating or vice versa. Also, it can be done on one’s own, but I enjoy doing this with others, it can be exciting, fast-paced and it really helps with getting ideas to flow!
After students have homed in on the main idea for their writing assignment, they can use the tried and true 5 paragraph approach to essay writing. This utilizes having a main topic with an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs for support, and one concluding paragraph. So, using my word science, as an example of my main topic, we can use the introductory paragraph to define the word science and then use the ideas that came to me during brainstorming, such as, the logic and reasoning could be one of the three body paragraphs, testing could be another paragraph and future and society could be the third supporting paragraph, the conclusion comes next, where you sum up what you have said! A quick tip, encourage your child or student to proof-read what they have read aloud, if something seems awkward and does not flow, it will most likely be apparent when you listen to the words, do not be afraid to make edits and changes, fine tune and smoothing out can be done easily in this way. Also, emphasize that a paragraph is 3-5 sentences, so that can be a relief for some reticent writers, that each paragraph does not need to very long.
Another helpful hint to help writing for a your child is to offer a choice of modalities for writing such as Chromebooks and using a laptop to use, or simply a yellow pad of paper to write the rough draft on. Many schools already offer Chromebooks and laptops to use in the classrooms and are very helpful for minimizing spelling errors or help if handwriting is a challenge or a deterrent for writing. I feel that these are useful tools that cross-over with benefit for students now and as they get older into higher grade-levels. Some students prefer to write it all down first and then type it, let them choose! The overarching idea is to have a choice of modalities, that helps make the writing process more enjoyable Also, attractive pencils pens and writing paper can help too.
In closing, even though writing can be challenging and a little bit scary for young folks. There are ways to make it less so, by making it fun and focusing on the ideas of what you want to say versus the mechanics of spelling and grammar only. In my experience, having an idea, an over-arching main topic that I am passionate about is key that helps open the door to the writing process. I believe that 4th and 5th graders can soar in their writing if they are encouraged to think freely, with the help with brainstorming and making choices of how they write, all while using the 5-paragraph approach simultaneously, anything is possible!