By Phyllis Koppelman, BCET, Founder & CEO of Strategies for Learning
You’ve had plenty of what if’s to contend with these past few months and lots of question marks ahead. Rather than focus on one more “should do,” here are some ideas if you’re stressed out, cranky and tired of having to tell your kids one more time to stop gaming or do their chores instead of ignoring you.
Being silly with your kids is contagious. The Mayo Clinic staff explains that smiling leads to laughing and starts a chain reaction that releases hormones in our brains. Smiling releases dopamine, which increases feelings of happiness. Serotonin release from laughing can reduce stress. Long-term, we not only feel better, we also improve our immune system. And the best part is that laughter is contagious.
Now, let’s get to it…
Ages 3-7
- Have a popcorn toss. Make popcorn, add melted butter and salt and take turns aiming it at each other’s mouth.
- Make a funny face contest. No props needed
- Make funny hats. Use paper bags, newspaper, fabric scraps, recycled wrapping paper.
- Make mud pies using only your feet. Use a rolling pin can, pie tins and toppings. Variation: Use play dough instead of mud.
- Invent a silly monster and draw or tell a story about your monster. Our family silly monster is one-eyed Greenie who takes us on “wild adventures.”
- Make silly edible food faces (for your monster or another silly face). Use pasta, fruit, veggies–how about broccoli for curly hair, mini-sweet peppers or strawberries for noses, blueberries or raisins for eyes?
- Invent a new sandwich, salad or dessert.
Ages 8-11
- Write and illustrate a story or book about your silly monster.
- Go on an outdoor (or indoor) scavenger hunt (ages 8-11) Adjustable: Find a leaf with at least three different colors; a snail; lizard; unique bird; a flower with a bee or butterfly on it, a tree root shaped like a human foot.
- Have an un-birthday party complete with balloons, treats, candles, party games with simple prizes (stuff that hides way back in a bottom drawer)
- Have a cotton ball, cheerio or paperclip race across a table by blowing through paper straws.
- Build an original fort or cabin (Include older or younger siblings) Use packaging materials– cardboard boxes, popcorn, tissue. Have a sleepover in your structure.
- Invent a silly trip to an imaginary place
All ages
- Have a try-not-to-laugh contest.
- Make up silly rap songs and sounds.
- Create a mini-sculpture using toothpicks and marshmallows.
- Create original “moves” to music.
- Have a pillow fight or a squirt gun fight.
- Create a monster meal. (all ages) No utensils allowed. Make (or have your kids help prepare) a simple dinner like spaghetti with sauce and a side. No fair using serving utensils either. (Hint: Use an old tablecloth under the table as a floor covering for easier cleanup.)
- Create a carnival. Take turns doing “carnival” acts–rolls, tumbling, cartwheels, somersaults and more.
- Have a Backwards Day. Wear one sock, or two different socks or shoes, backwards shirt, shorts, skirt or… Move backwards in different ways, walk, run. Do chores and activities backwards. As pastry chef, Jacques Torres said, “Life is short. Eat dessert first.”