Gamification in learning is an essential tool for engaging students in a fun and interactive way. Students with learning challenges often struggle with motivation due to a variety of factors, including a history of repeated failure as well as a lack of interest in school. Research has consistently shown that gamification has a positive effect on student motivation and learning outcomes across a variety of settings.
The Benefits of Gamification in Learning
Incorporating gamification in learning can be a “game-changer”, no pun intended! It’s not just about making learning fun, but about harnessing the power of games to tap into students’ intrinsic motivation, promote active learning, and provide a context for learning. Games can provide immediate feedback, allow for problem-solving, and promote metacognitive awareness among students. They can also help students see failure as a part of the learning process, not the end.
The Theory Behind Play and Gamification
The American Academy of Pediatrics published, “Play is not frivolous: it enhances brain structure and function and promotes executive function (ie, the process of learning, rather than the content), which allow us to pursue goals and ignore distractions.” Clinical research shows:
- Playing games develops many skill sets
- Games develop social-emotional, cognitive, language, and self-regulation skills that build executive function and a prosocial brain
- Play supports the formation of safe, stable, and nurturing relationships with all caregivers that children need to thrive
Who Can Benefit From Gamificiation?
Student of all ages can benefit from gamification in learning! It can be an effective tool for those with high movement needs, reluctant leaners, and even high-achieving students. Here are some reasons why an Educational Therapist may decide to incorporate games into their instruction.
- The student has not had success using traditional educational settings
- Student engagement in learning is a challenge
- Student needs more exposure to or practice with an explicitly taught topic or skill
- To build rapport with the student
Gamification in learning offers a versatile and effective approach to boosting student engagement in learning. Games not only help students access specific content materials but can also inspire a lifelong love of learning and equip them with the skills they need to navigate this world successfully!
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