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Category: Executive Function

Executive Functioning Skills, most simply put, refers to a set of cognitive skills needed to complete a task or solve a problem. They are essential for success in academics and beyond. Explore resources created by a team of Educational Therapists and Specialists on topics relating to executive function and how to support students with executive functioning challenges.

Transitioning from Middle to High School

Guide to Transitioning from Middle to High School

Transitioning from Middle to High School can be exciting and overwhelming. This guide will help you feel more prepared and confident as you begin this new chapter!
Breaking Down the Writing Process

Breaking Down the Writing Process: A Step by Step Guide

Breaking the writing process into smaller, manageable steps can make it feel more achievable, especially for students with executive function difficulties. Writing can often feel overwhelming for these students especially when faced with a big assignment.
Mentorship For Teens

Mentorship For Teens for Academic Success

Positive mentorship for teens is closely linked to improved classroom performance, offering essential support and guidance during this pivotal stage of their lives.
5 Tips for Connecting With My Teenager

5 Tips for Connecting With Your Teenager

Connecting with your teenager is crucial for meaningful relationship-building and will positively affect their general well-being and future success.
Note-Taking Strategy

Note-Taking Strategy: What, How, and Why Approach

The What, How, and Why strategy is a powerful tool for effective note-taking. Let's take a look at how this strategy works.
critical thinking skills

Ways to Build Critical Thinking Skills in Children and Teens

Top tips for parents to help build critical thinking skills in their children and teens and set them up for success in school and beyond.
Executive Functioning Coach

Parent Guide to Finding an Executive Functioning Coach

Executive functioning coach can provide students with tailored strategies to enhance their organizational, time management, and problem-solving abilities. Here are some key factors to consider.
A teenage boy transitions from high school to college

Your Guide to Transition from High School to College

The transition from high school to college is a significant milestone, marking a period of personal growth and independence. This guide shows the key differences while offering valuable insights.
College Disability Services and Accommodations

Your Guide to College Disability Services and Accommodations

This article provides a simplified guide to college disability services and accommodations, aiming to empower students and their parents.
How to Discuss a Learning Disability Diagnosis with Your Child

How to Discuss a Learning Disability Diagnosis with Your Child

A learning disability diagnosis can be a challenging experience for parents and students alike but there are many effective ways to talk to your child about their diagnosis.

Strategies for Learning, Inc.

440 Grand Ave. Suite 425
Oakland, CA 94610

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