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Category: Written Expression

Written expression is a complex process of using various cognitive operations to translate ideas and thoughts into a written language. These operations include many components including but not limited to the ability to communicate coherent ideas, grammar and writing mechanics, the ability to create words and sentences fluently, and the ability to utilize the writing process. Explore resources created by a team of Educational Therapists and Specialists on topics relating to written expression or writing.

Breaking Down the Writing Process

Breaking Down the Writing Process: A Step by Step Guide

Breaking the writing process into smaller, manageable steps can make it feel more achievable, especially for students with executive function difficulties. Writing can often feel overwhelming for these students especially when faced with a big assignment.
Explicit Instruction in Writing

Explicit Instruction in Writing

This article explores the importance of teaching writing as a transferable skill and provides practical strategies for implementation.
Writing Strategy for Kids

A 5-Step Writing Strategy for Kids

Introducing children to writing assignments can be challenging. Here is a 5-step writing strategy for kids you can implement at home.
A family bonding while play word games for kids to boost literacy skills

Word Games for Kids to Boost Literacy Skills

Here are some popular word games for kids that turn learning into an enjoyable experience, while boosting literacy skills!
Note-Taking Strategy

Note-Taking Strategy: What, How, and Why Approach

The What, How, and Why strategy is a powerful tool for effective note-taking. Let's take a look at how this strategy works.
How to write an email to your teacher

How to write an email to your teacher (with examples)

Knowing how write an email to your teacher, professor, or a school administrator in a polite and concise way is a must-have skill.

Multi-paragraph essay writing made easy! (Upper Elementary)

Most of us have experienced a time when we have an essay or writing assignment that is due that is looming over us like a storm cloud, we try to put it out of our minds but no matter how hard we try it remains!

5 Tips For Overcoming Writer’s Block (Infographic)

You’d be surprised with how many ideas you can come up with once you let go of the pressure to write in complete sentences or to write a specific amount!
Overcoming writer's block

5 Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

Here are 5 tips to help your child or teen get started and overcome writer's block.

Strategies for Learning, Inc.

3 Grand Ave. Suite 425
Oakland, CA 94610

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