SFL Newsletter | Fall 2014

How can your student be more organized? How can both students and parents reduce anxiety related to school assignments? In this issue we highlight Sarah Schwartz’s article “Help Your Child Reduce Anxiety” and some of our favorite resources to help you learn more about Executive Functioning, the cognitive processes of working memory, reasoning, task flexibility, and problem solving as well as planning and execution.

Issue 2_Fall 2014_Strategies for Learning

Back to School: Time Management Strategies for Students

Time Management Event

Join us for a free presentation on practical strategies to help your child or teen develop daily routines, plan for long-term homework projects, and use reminders and prompting methods. Parents of K-12 students, educators, and caregivers welcome. Presenter Maria Howard, M.A., M.S.T., is Family Education Coordinator at Strategies for Learning, Inc. The workshop is sponsored by PRAISE (Piedmonters for Resources, Advocacy, and Information in Special Education).

Date: September 18, 2014

Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Piedmont Community Hall
711 Highland Avenue
Piedmont, CA 94611


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