Launching Our New Website and Blog!

Phyllis Koppelman, Strategies for Learning

We at Strategies for Learning are excited to announce our newly updated website and blog, where parents, teachers and students will be able to easily and quickly access information on a myriad of topics related to learning, test taking, and overcoming learning hurdles. Whether your child is struggling in school or just a bit behind, we can help answer your questions.

We’ll be posting articles regularly on our website blog about topics and programs of interest for parents, teachers, students and allied professionals—including learning differences, ADD/ADHD, managing homework, test anxiety, motivation, organization and study skills, dyslexia, technology, college applications, parenting tips and much more.

  • How do I know if my child needs extra academic support?
  • How can I find out more about how my child learns?
  • What kind of academic support makes sense for my child?
  • How is tutoring different from educational therapy?
  • Why is assessment important?
  • How do I know if my child needs an assessment?
  • How does the IEP process work?
  • How do I get started in getting help for my child?
  • What kinds of services and programs does Strategies for Learning offer?
  • How can I work effectively with my child’s teacher(s) so my child can be more successful?

We’ve created a new Facebook presence with a wealth of resources with just about anything and everything you ever wanted to know about learning, including a limitless number (no kidding) of creative ideas for activities, projects and programs for children and teens.

We’re eager to hear from you. Tell us what you like and what you’d like to know more about.

Phyllis Koppelman, Founder & Director
Strategies for Learning, Inc.


Past Event | Parents Helping Parents

Meet Ali Williams, a junior at New York University, who will share the challenges she faces as a student with learning disabilities and the knowledge she has gained from her experiences transitioning from high school to college.

You will benefit from Ali’s inspirational story as she shares:

  • Her roller-coaster ride from high school to community college to Landmark College to NYU
  • The services she received from the Department of Rehabilitation and the College Disability Program and her tips on navigating these systems
  • What she wished she knew ahead of time
  • The accommodations, modifications, assistive technology and study strategies she finds useful as a college student
  • The importance of self-acceptance, self-advocacy, goal-setting and motivation

Tuesday, August 13, 2013
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
