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Category: News & Events

Read recent news and events relating to Strategies for Learning and other relevant educational topics.

SFL Newsletter | Spring 2015

We’re excited to share in this spring newsletter! You’ll find tips for helping your child with homework, information on our summer programs, and news regarding the expansion of our team and our summer partnership with Behavioral Intervention for Autism (BIA).

SFL Newsletter | Winter 2014

This newsletter addresses ‘grit’ and it’s importance – a timely topic as we head towards 2015 and New Year’s resolutions! Also included are ideas for making resolutions as a family and, to follow on the the theme of past issues,

SFL Newsletter | Fall 2014

How can your student be more organized? How can both students and parents reduce anxiety related to school assignments? In this issue we highlight Sarah Schwartz’s article “Help Your Child Reduce Anxiety” and some of our favorite resources to help

Back to School: Time Management Strategies for Students

Join us for a free presentation on practical strategies to help your child or teen develop daily routines, plan for long-term homework projects, and use reminders and prompting methods. Parents of K-12 students, educators, and caregivers welcome. Presenter Maria Howard, M.A.,

SFL Newsletter | Summer 2014

Check out our new SFL Newsletter! This first issue introduces two fun strategies for learning, “Shades of Meaning” and “Check Your Bed”. Look for a full newsletter coming this fall! Issue 1_Summer 2014_Strategies for Learning Newsletter

Money Sense

Written by Megan Jensen Parents frequently ask me what they can do to help their children develop math skills. Children have an inherent interest in handling money. Giving them opportunities to assist in making payments and counting out change will
Phyllis Koppelman, Strategies for Learning

Launching Our New Website and Blog!

We at Strategies for Learning are excited to announce our newly updated website and blog, where parents, teachers and students will be able to easily and quickly access information on a myriad of topics related to learning, test taking, and

Past Event | Parents Helping Parents

Meet Ali Williams, a junior at New York University, who will share the challenges she faces as a student with learning disabilities and the knowledge she has gained from her experiences transitioning from high school to college. You will benefit

Strategies for Learning, Inc.

3 Grand Ave. Suite 425
Oakland, CA 94610

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