1. Create a contact list. The list should consist of those involved in your child’s care, including school teachers, counselors, learning specialists, case managers, coaches and tutors. Make note of who is the best person to contact for different issues. Take 10 minutes to add everyone’s contact information to your phone and email. Your future self will thank you!
  1. Make a strong first impression. Write a brief introduction letter to your child’s teacher. A back-to-school letter helps the teacher get to know your child’s strengths, areas of need, and interests. Have your child contribute to the letter, or have them make a card along with a photo. 
  1. Make habits now. The beginning of the school year can be overwhelming with new teachers, schedules, and activities. Encourage your child to use a planner during the summer. Have them plan out their days, noting any vacations, appointments, and social engagements along with a daily “to-do” list. Studies show that habits can take an average of about 2-3 months to form, so summer is the perfect time to start!
  1. Be proactive about addressing school-related anxiety. Have open conversations with your child before the start of school. Ask them what they are looking forward to and what they are not looking forward to. Identify any situations that might be causing anxiety and talk through some strategies together. Additionally, studies show that positive social relationships can provide motivation to attend school. Coordinate ample opportunities for your child to hang out with classmates during summer so they can return to school with a familiar group of friends. 
  1. Use interests. Find out what motivates your child and learn about their interests. Find ways to integrate their interests into school in a productive way. For example, if your teen loves video games, encourage them to take a computer science elective. If they are interested in politics, encourage them to participate in student body elections. Remember to be supportive along the way!

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